Thursday, January 17, 2013

El Flamenco Fabuloso

WOW! The flamenco last night was fascinating. I found out it’s not true flamenco if it is choreographed or with a group, so there was a woman and a man that danced both together and apart. I couldn’t believe nothing was choreographed. Flamenco has an interesting balance between loud stomping and clapping, sort of like tap dancing, and graceful hand movements. I really enjoyed it
   We also had tapas at a place called ‘Entre Cárseles’ where we had chorizo (spicy sausage), jamón (ham), a dish similar to potato salad, and roasted veggies with olive oil and bread. ¡Qué sabroso!
            Amigas a las Setas
     Thus far at my homestay, we eat lots of bread, ham, and veggies. Breakfast is a loaf (yes, mi señora insists on giving me a whole loaf) of pan tostada (toast). The toast is sort of like a french loaf, so not huge, but still huge. We have that with café con leche (instant coffee with half and half), which I surprisingly don’t like much because the cream is so thick it hurts my stomach. Lunch is around 2:30 and we have a huge meal. Yesterday’s was spinach with garbanzo beans, jamón, a salad, and some fruit. Lucky me, every lunch and dinner is followed by a square of dark dark chocolate. So far, I have been away for dinner, so we’ll see what we have this evening.

            Today has been uneventful, I bought una bata (robe) so I can be warm in my room, figured out my phone situation, and walked around outside since it’s so nice out. This evening I have scheduling for my classes, dinner at the house, and visiting calle Betis to see what they have to offer as far as evening festivities. I did have a beyond beautiful walk back from el centro that included seeing a cool carnival, architecture, and this awesome cathedral...all 4 walls were so detailed and ornate, bellisimo.
     Me gusta todas las cosas que estoy aprendiendo: cómo ignorar los piropos (Spanish pick up lines), cómo navigar las calles, dondé debo caminar/ correr, muchas palabras/ expressiones nuevas, y mucho sobre la cultura. Aquí en España, está aceptado ser racista..ellos se llama los 'dollar stores' 'los chinos' porque los dueños son de China. También, es interesante ser una minoría. Nunca he sido en la minoridad y los juicios de los españoles son muy obvio. Esta es motivación ser inmerso en la cultura de Sevilla y para convertirme entre una sevillana real.


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